In Ground Pool Excavation

This project involved the trenching of utilities for a in ground pool to a “pool shed” as well as excavation for the in ground pool itself. The shallow end was 42” below the customers benchmark and the deep end was 8’2” below their benchmark, with a constant and steady transition between the two points.

Heavy Site Clearing, Earth Grading, Driveway Excavation and Rock Spreading, Trail Clearing

This project involved cleaning up a mess the previous property owner had created just prior to the new owners taking possession. Multiple trees had been dozed over and left in scattered places. The property also had years of overgrowth and invasive species that the property owners wanted removed. Multiple pieces of equipment were utilized to clear the site, remove unwanted trees and stumps, excavate to prepare the area for new construction, excavate the construction drive, and cut in a few trails thru the woods for the family to enjoy.

Excavation for water line near existing well and well house

The customers on this project requested a 1 1/4” water line coming from an existing well house be buried below the frost line while still ensuring that ground water flowed how they previously had designed it. The area was rather wet and utilizing a trencher would likely result in the equipment getting stuck.

Brush Clearing Overgrown Field

Customer had a large overgrown field that they requested be mowed down to a manageable height using a brush hog implement on the back of a tractor. The area had recently been timbered and heavy ruts, vegetation, and obstacles were encountered.